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Links to Blogs run by Members of the Minessence Group:
"Your website is the face of your company. Your Blog is its voice,"
Bill French, MyST Technology Partners, Inc
  • Principles to live by —It's not what values we hold as a priority which matters, rather what's important is how we live our values. This Blog provides a forum for you to dialogue with others as to consequences of living your values the way you believe appropriate.

  • Knowledge-Base —The Minessence Group maintains a Values & AVI Knowledge-Base. If you have any questions related to values or the AVI, firstly, please view our knowledge-base to see if they have already been answered.

  • AVI —This Blog records development and support activities pertaining to the AVI. The AVI, "A Values Inventory" co-developed by Members of the Minessence Group, is used, as part of values-development/values-based leadership programmes by organisations including: Club Managers Australia, Burger King, Canon, Coca Cola, DPI, Lion Nathan, Scottish Agricultural College, Telstra, Veris Wealth Management, Vodafone, Westfield.

  • Defining Values Project —The Minessence Group's Key Affiliates Team are currently engaged in a project to redefine the 128 Value Descriptors which underpin all the Group's values work. This is a read only blog. If you have years of experience in the values field and wish to be involved, contact us and we will be happy to include you in the Project Team.

  • Karynne's Blog —Karynne Courts conducts the highly acclaimed Visionary Leadership Programs (VLP). Check out her site for details of upcoming programs and other, greatly in demand, values-based activities.

  • Key Affiliates' Blog —This is a private Blog used by the Minessence Group's Key Affiliates to co-design and co-develop the future.

  • Karyn Clarkes Blog —Karyn Clarke's Blog. Karyn has been using the AVI for over 10 years.

  • MissionControl —The Minessence Group's MissionControl site provides the infrastructure to support the AVI, the values inventory co-developed by Members of the Minessence Group. It is available to the general public who have completed the AVI, however, MissionControl is primarily for people who have been accredited to use the AVI with others.

  • Minessence eZine —The Minessence eZine is published on a regular basis to keep people interested in values-based development abreast latest R & D and Minessence Group events. This Blog is A place where you can comment on material published in the eZine

  • Secrets of Good Luck —This is YARO STARAK's Blog. Yaro is a graduate in Psychology, Social Work and is a Gestalt Psychotherapist. His work is focused on the area of enabling people to become aware of the fact that in some stages of their life and in some areas of their relationships they may be blocked to grow further as human beings.

  • Values Education —Tips and suggestions related to the conducting of values education programmmes

  • Chippendale's Favourite Recipes  - This blog has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose for which the Minessence Group's website exists. However, I continually run into people who, when they find out I am Celiac (i.e. - can't tolerate gluten in food) and that love to cook, they ask me for my recipes - so here they are.

  • Chippendale's Blog —Paul personal Blog: Random thoughts from Paul—some significant events in his life—nothing intentionally directly related to values or the Minessence Group.

Release-20220430 - Copyright © 1988-2025 Minessence Group
Minessence Learning Centre, PARK RIDGE, QLD 4125, AUSTRALIA - Ph: 61-(0)7-3803-5809
14 February, 2025